Knowledge Partners for the Course

Hindu College
Hindu College has been a beacon of Higher Education in the country for the past 125 years. Established by noted freedom fighter Shri Krishan Dassji Gurwale in 1899, the college aspired to provide nationalist education to the youth of the country during the anti-British Raj struggle. Today, the college is one of the most sought-after higher education institutes in the country.
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Currently, the college offers undergraduate courses in 19 disciplines and post-graduate courses in 14 disciplines of science, commerce and humanities. While the college has always had a strong foothold in pure sciences, lately, the focus has also shifted onto areas of applied sciences. Recently, a Research Centre was established in the college with the aim to promote research in the interdisciplinary areas of sciences, humanities and finance sectors. This state-of-the-art facility is spread over an area of 38,000 sq. feet and houses 20 well-equipped science labs to promote research in diverse areas of flavors & fragrances, material science, nanomaterials, environmental sciences, green chemistry, E-waste management to name a few.
The institute also has the Green Chemistry Network Centre that works extensively for the promotion of Green Chemistry in India by organizing various workshops, conferences and seminars at national and international levels. This centre also facilitates the exchange of knowledge and expertise between recognized academic institutes and leading industries. Hindu College is dedicated to accelerate the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In view of this, it is planned to integrate various components of SDGs in the curriculum of various programmes that are being run in the college.
In accordance with NEP 2020, Hindu College has a robust plan in place for increasing the focus on research oriented industry-academia collaborations, sustainable green initiatives, development of required infrastructure and student capability enhancement. The list of world-class infrastructure facilities available at Hindu College includes the Sanganeria Science Block - a new academic block that includes science labs, lecture theatres and seminar halls; the Sanganeria auditorium and Utsav - the new amphitheatre built in Romansque style. The institute also plans to establish a state-of-the-art library, new faculty blocks and additional skill centres.
The Indian Fragrance industry is poised to witness an accelerated growth rate of 15% in the coming years. Thus, there is an increasing demand for knowledgeable and skilled people in the expanding fragrance industry. Our country currently has only a handful of colleges/ institutes that offer skill development programs on Perfumery. Hindu college has now collaborated with Sant Sanganeria Foundation and International Fragrance Association (IFRA) to bridge this skill gap in the country’s fragrance industry. This academia-industry collaboration has led to a course unlike any other in the country that can cater to a diverse nature of industry needs by providing a comprehensive training in perfumery. The required resources in terms of dedicated faculty, trained technical staff and well-equipped laboratories are already in place for running this course successfully.
Sant Sanganeria Foundation for Health & Education (SFHE)
Established in 2003, is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting economically disadvantaged sections of society. For over a decade, the Foundation has played an active role in promoting socio-economic development in the fields of health and education on a global scale.
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The primary focus of SFHE is on rural initiatives that enhance the quality of education, improve childhood health, and bolster economic stability among India's rural poor. The organization’s mission is to make a direct, positive impact on the lives of the individuals and children (supported by them) while driving systemic change. To achieve this, SFHE collaborates with various foundations, NGOs, community organizations, and other philanthropists. Working closely with their partners, they provide guidance in problem-solving, performance assessment, and future planning.
Most of the development efforts of SFHE in India are concentrated on empowering the underprivileged in New Delhi/NCR and Sikar, Rajasthan. In addition to uplifting millions of women and children, they address other critical societal issues such as community development, health and hygiene, and gender equality.

The International Fragrance Association (IFRA)
IFRA was created in 1973, with the aim of establishing a system of self-regulation for the fragrance industry to ensure safe use of fragrance ingredients. The organization, created by active participation of global fragrance composition houses, exercises its authority in confirming that scented products are safe both for the consumers as well as for the environment. Over the years, IFRA’s role has expanded from self-regulation to inclusion of advocacy for emerging policy and regulatory developments across the world.
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Along with its sister organization, International Organization of the Flavor Industry (IOFI), IFRA has enabled the creation of a framework for the F & F industry's collective actions on sustainability. Members of IFRA include 21 national associations of fragrance manufacturers located in 23 countries. Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, IFRA has an operational center in Brussels, Belgium; an Asia-Pacific (APAC) office in Singapore; the Latin-American (LATAM) office in São Paulo, shared with its Brazilian National Member Association, ABIFRA; and a liaison office in Delhi, India.
CSIR- Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CIMAP)
CIMAP is a frontier plant research laboratory of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR). The institute carries out high quality research in multidisciplinary areas of biological and chemical sciences. Headquartered in Lucknow, it has research centers in Bangalore, Hyderabad, Pantnagar and Purara.
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The unique research work undertaken at CIMAP includes systematic conservation of plant genetic resources and other areas of plant sciences such as plant breeding, molecular taxonomy, molecular and structural biology, plant biotechnology, biochemistry, microbiology, bio energy and chemical sciences, and development of herbal products. Well equipped with state-of-the-art laboratories, CIMAP is enabling the linking of cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants to their industrial processing. CIMAP, Lucknow houses the National Gene Bank of medicinal and aromatic plants as well as the seed gene bank, tissue and DNA bank. The Field Gene Bank of different varieties of medicinal and aromatic plants is also maintained at CIMAP Lucknow and the other centers that are located across the country.

International Society of Perfume-Creators (ISPC)
The ISPC is an international and independent non-profit association, created to defend and obtain official status for the profession of the perfumer, to promote the cultural heritage of the industry, to protect the perfumer’s palette and to protect the art of the fragrance composition. It connects professionals and organizations, inviting them to share their experiences, learn from one another, transmit and disseminate knowledge.
The Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce (FICCI)
Established in 1927, FICCI is a non-government, not-for-profit organisation that is the voice of India’s business and industry. It is the oldest and largest apex business organisation in India. From influencing policy to encouraging debate and engaging with policy makers, FICCI articulates the concerns of Indian industry. Its members include Indian private and public corporate sectors as well as multinational companies.
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The organization aims to promote inclusive and sustainable growth encompassing health, education, livelihood, governance and skill development. It also provides a range of specialized services and global linkages for enhancing the global competitiveness of Indian industry.

Hindu College
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ULTRA International Ltd.
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International Fragrance Association (IFRA)
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04 Teachers
Open school
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