A three-day Science Festival and National Workshop entitled “Environment andSociety: Inter-linkages and Co-existence” organized by Hindu College in associationwith Save the Environment (STE)
International conference and workshop on twelve principles of green chemistry and UN-SDGs. at Research Centre, Hindu college, University of Delhi
Industry visit to Ultra International Ltd., Sahibabad for the faculty of Hindu College
2nd Fragrance Business Summit was organized by FICCI in association with the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), the International Fragrance Association (IFRA), and industry partner Ultra International Limited at FICCI’s Federation House, New Delhi, India. The event witnessed the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding to start a Perfumery Course in Hindu College, University of Delhi by Professor Anju Srivastava, Principal of
Introductory Online Course on the Art of Sustainable Perfumery” organized by International Fragrance Association (IFRA), International Society of Perfumer – Creators (ISPC) and Ultra International Limited with Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI) as industrial partner and Hindu College as academic partner
1st FICCI Fragrance Business Summit: Building Sustainable Supply Chain- India@2030 organized by FICCI Taskforce on Fragrance at FICCI, Federation House, New Delhi.
Seminar on “Flavours and Fragrance” organized by Hindu College with Mr. Hans Holger Gliewe, Chairman, IFRA; Ms. Martina Bianchini, President, IFRA; Mr. Michael Carlos, Chairman Emeritus, IFRA; Mr. Dirk Hudig, Secretary General, European risk and Innovation Forum as honourable speakers
1st FICCI Fragrance Business Summit: Building Sustainable Supply Chain- India@2030 organized by FICCI Taskforce on Fragrance at FICCI, Federation House, New Delhi.